Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week #7 - Wooden Signs

Happy week my fellow Pinterest addicts! 

I am a busy lady being pulled in a million directions by children, adults, pets, work, you name it! I would like to think that my morning quiet time and moments of prayer throughout the day keep my attention on the Lord, but in reality, I need a lot of reminding! I like to be surrounded by verses and inspirational words wherever I turn. 

At my desk it may take the form of sticky notes and daily verses sent via email, my little daily devotional calendar, but at home the reminders are all over my walls! Rather than purchasing signs that others have made I like to make my own, and because of the wonderful world of Pinterest, I have found a tutorial to easily make my own wooden signs!

My children have an amazing CD of verses that span the alphabet, they are short, catchy and very easy to remember. I often hear them walking around the house singing. Track 8 for H is one of their favorites, it says, “Happy are the people whose God is the Lord. Psalm 144:15”

I loved that memory and that verse so much that I decided it would be my first wooden sign! 

The inspiration for this project comes from a pin bringing me to a wonderful website called Homespun Happenings:

How to Make a Wooden Sign

I started by painting a board slightly unevenly with white paint.

Then I printed the verse to fit the dimensions of the board.  I just printed one or two words per paper and then cut them out.  I forgot to take pictures of the next couple stages so I am going to use the ones from Homespun Happenings! I then covered the back of the printed words with pencil and then taped them (pencil colored side down) onto the wood and tape them into place. 

Once it is taped in place, I traced the words with a pen and the pencil lead transferred onto the wood providing the outline of the words.

Here is mine:

After you have the outline, you can choose to color in the words with either paint or Sharpie marker.  I just used a Sharpie and I loved how easy it was!

As a finishing touch, you can use sand paper to rough up the lettering to make it look more vintage. Here is my finished product! (Sorry for not cropping my feet out of the picture!)

Here's the finished product!!!!

If you want to transfer your lettering to a black or colorful painted board, you can use the same technique using chalk rather than pencil.

Here are some other fun wooden signs that I have seen on Pinterest! I am excited to recreate a few of these especially with the holidays quickly approaching!


  • Wood Board – scrap or new
  • Printed Word, Phrase, or Scripture – Bring printed copy with font in “actual” size
  • Paint (if you are planning to paint you board)
  • Sharpie (it works best if it’s new)
  • Pencil (and sharpener)
  • Tape
  • Scissors

Go ahead, fill your home with your favorite words and remind yourself what matters most to you!


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